HomeSmart LivingNicci Boutiques: Pink About It

Nicci Boutiques: Pink About It

Fashion with a purpose as Nicci goes pink this October

Nicci Boutiques deepens its commitment to community upliftment with its latest initiative in support of PinkDrive this October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Nicci revealed its latest, limited-edition, locally made bracelets, with proceeds going to PinkDrive to further enable its reach and impact.

Nicci PinkDrive Bracelets

Breast cancer is a universal disease, one that can be combatted through education and awareness. “Through information and access to health services, together, we can tackle the prevalence of breast cancer. We encourage people to think pink this October and beyond,” says Niki Breger, Co-Founder of Nicci.

“PinkDrive is incredible grateful for the ongoing partnership with Nicci, which goes beyond raising funds but is a collaboration to increase awareness of breast cancer and encouraging all women to get screened,” shared Nelius du Preez, Operations Manager at PinkDrive.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October has been designated as ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ in South Africa, reflecting a nationwide drive by both public and private sectors to combat this debilitating disease that impacts all races and classes.

Nicci revealed its latest trend must-have item this October, in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month with the up-and-coming influencer Amber Wright, who fought her own battle with the disease and conquered.

“Being diagnosed with breast cancer at 27 taught me that breast cancer does not discriminate by age. Early detection is crucial! Women should know their bodies and take action if something feels or looks off. It’s important to break the misconception that breast cancer is an ‘older person’s disease.’ Regular self-checks can save lives,” explains Amber.


According to the World Health Organisation, 1 in 27 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime in countries with a lower Human Development Index (HDI).

The incidence of breast cancer in women is sadly increasing in South Africa, according to the latest health reports published by the South African Government. Breast cancer has been recorded as Africa’s leading cause of cancer-related casualties, according to Statista.

The high incidences of cancer indicate the low levels of awareness around such diseases. Improvement in healthcare infrastructure, education and regular screenings are vital to combat this disease and ensure those impacted receive timely treatment. Early detection can help save a life by leading to effective treatment and a positive prognosis. Regular self-examinations and mammograms are vital to the early detection of this disease. In fact, around 90% of women go on to live many years when breast cancer is detected during the early stages of the disease.


Bracelets can be purchased in store and online for the entire duration of the #NicciGivesBack campaign. Customers can make a positive impact using their purchasing power this October by supporting this meaningful initiative. By purchasing a bracelet, customers are empowering women and enabling them with access to basic human rights – healthcare.


PinkDrive is a non-profit organisation that powers South Africa’s first mobile PinkDrive Mammography Unit and PinkDrive Educational Unit. These Mobile Units travel across the country to deliver much-needed services to individuals without access to healthcare, driving home the fact that ‘early detection will help prolong a life’.

PinkDrive’s mandate is to provide free screening to those who do not have access to healthcare services and are not medically insured, sharing the message that ‘early detection will help prolong a life’. Its cardinal purpose is to contribute meaningfully towards preventing as many people as possible from succumbing to breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer. “As an organisation at the forefront of cancer screening and awareness in South Africa, we recognise that treatable cancers receiving even the basic levels of care could translate into varying lengths of extended life for the afflicted when detected and treated early,” adds Nelius.

“Our posture is ostensibly a promoter of health awareness in general, specifically health education and heightening awareness of gender-related cancers in South Africa,” concludes Nelius.

“By creating these beautiful bracelets, we are strengthening the positive impact PinkDrive
has on communities across South Africa,” adds Niki.