HomeCompany NewsBolt Donates R100,000 to Gifted Vocals from Sabela High School, Winners of...

Bolt Donates R100,000 to Gifted Vocals from Sabela High School, Winners of the Gwijo Challenge

Bolt South Africa proudly announces the winners of its recent Gwijo Challenge, an initiative aimed at fostering community spirit while showcasing the vital role of Bolt in connecting South Africans as they move from A to B.

Over the course of 10 weeks, schools and organisations across the country participated in the competition, tasked with crafting a song incorporating the theme of Bolt and demonstrating how communities utilise the platform for mobility. The challenge saw enthusiastic participation, highlighting the significance of Gwijo’s in bringing people together, much like Bolt’s mission.

The victorious group, Gifted Vocals, hails from Sabela High School and gained recognition for their mesmerising performances on TikTok. Their unique Gwijo, featuring the word “Bolt” in the lyrics, resonated with audiences and earned them the grand prize of R100,000. The winnings will be directed towards purchasing school uniforms for pupils, furthering educational opportunities within their community.

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Expressing gratitude, the school Principal, Mr Samuel Msimanga, emphasised Bolt’s impact on developing young talents and fostering community growth. “We thank Bolt for recognising our students’ abilities and for their commitment to supporting communities across South Africa,” the principal remarked. “Your presence here today underscores your dedication to uplifting rural areas like ours.”

Asanda Malinga, a member of Gifted Vocals, echoed the sentiment, expressing their joy and gratitude for the opportunity. “This means a lot to us,” they shared. “Singing brings us joy, and we are grateful for Bolt’s support in showcasing our talents.”

Sandra Buyole, PR Manager, Africa at Bolt, said: “Bolt remains steadfast in its mission to create safe, affordable, and enjoyable transport experiences. We are proud to support small communities which celebrate community spirit and highlight the transformative power of mobility.”

The Gwijo Challenge exemplifies Bolt’s commitment to empowering local communities and promoting social mobility. By providing accessible transport options, Bolt enables active participation and engagement, particularly in areas where opportunities may be limited.