HomeJust LifeIJMSA's "Ending Period Poverty" Initiative Transforms Lives on Mandela Day

IJMSA’s “Ending Period Poverty” Initiative Transforms Lives on Mandela Day

In a powerful demonstration of compassion and social responsibility, the International Junior Miss South Africa (IJMSA) organization made a significant impact on Nelson Mandela Day, July 18th. Their initiative, aptly named “Ending Period Poverty,” brought hope and dignity to 70 young women and girls at St. John’s Children’s Home in Mohlakeng, west of Johannesburg.

IJMSA, an organization dedicated to empowering the girl child, recognized the pressing issue of girls missing school due to a lack of sanitary products. In response, they set an ambitious goal: to collect 12-packs of sanitary towels for 67 girls, symbolizing the 67 years Nelson Mandela spent fighting for social justice.

Through the concerted efforts of IJMSA’s 2024 finalists, along with support from families and friends, the initiative surpassed its initial target. The campaign successfully gathered an impressive 840 sanitary towels, enough to assist 70 girls and women, exceeding their original goal.

The distribution event at St. John’s Children’s Home was deeply moving. IJMSA representatives personally handed out the sanitary products, witnessing firsthand the profound impact of their efforts. The stories shared by the recipients underscored the critical nature of this initiative:

One girl confessed that she had resorted to stealing sanitary products from local spaza shops. Another woman shared that she couldn’t remember the last time she had a proper packet of sanitary towels, resorting to using materials from old clothes. A young girl revealed the desperate measure of washing and reusing sanitary towels due to lack of access to new ones.

These poignant testimonies highlight the often-overlooked struggles many girls and women face, emphasizing how essential items like sanitary products can be life-changing when resources are limited.

IJMSA’s initiative serves as a powerful reminder of the change that can be achieved through collective effort and compassion. As the organization reflected, “It starts small, fragile, and seemingly insignificant. Yet, it carries within it the potential to become a towering tree, providing shade and shelter for generations to come.”

Special recognition must be given to Tidimalo Tlhabi, the director of IJMSA, for conceptualizing and driving this impactful initiative. Her leadership not only benefits girls in need but also instils principles of giving and caring in the IJMSA participants. Through this project, young women in the IJMSA program are learning the invaluable lesson of taking care of their fellow young ladies, fostering a spirit of empathy and social responsibility that will undoubtedly shape their future actions and attitudes.

This Mandela Day project not only provided immediate relief to 70 individuals but also raised awareness about period poverty and its far-reaching consequences. IJMSA’s “Ending Period Poverty” campaign stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Nelson Mandela’s legacy, proving that small acts of kindness can indeed make a significant difference in people’s lives.

About IJMSA:

International Junior Miss South Africa (IJMSA) is a premier pageant and youth development organization that goes beyond traditional beauty contests. While it showcases young models, IJMSA places equal emphasis on beauty and brains, dedicated to empowering young women across South Africa. Through leadership training, community service initiatives, and personal growth opportunities, IJMSA aims to nurture the next generation of confident, compassionate, and capable female leaders. The organization’s programs focus on building self-esteem, fostering social awareness, and developing essential life skills, preparing participants to make meaningful contributions to their communities and beyond. IJMSA believes in cultivating well-rounded individuals who excel not just on the runway, but also in academics, public speaking, and social responsibility.