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Three quarters of organisations are planning to increase their Generative AI IT spend

Generative AI (GenAI) is the accelerator of the decade, representing a significant and immediate opportunity for organisations. A Dell Technologies GenAI Survey of 500 IT decision makers (ITDMs) with GenAI implementation responsibilities across France, Germany, U.K. and U.S. reveals a growing appetite for GenAI, with the majority of respondents surveyed (78%) saying they are excited about the potential GenAI can have on their organisation. Moreover, three quarters (76%) expect to devote increased IT spend in the next year to pursue AI projects.

With a global economic impact predicted to be between $2.6 trillion and $4.4 trillion annually, results suggest organisations are solidifying their GenAI approaches. Of those who have moved beyond a pilot stage, 87% say they believe GenAI is on track to deliver meaningful results, and 80% report they have implemented centralised decision-making and/or centres of excellence. In terms of how they deploy solutions, 82% of ITDMs prefer to build an on-premises or hybrid approach to GenAI, with security, cost and control as leading factors to this approach (37%).

“No other technology has achieved what Generative AI has done in less than a year. It has sparked the imagination of millions and has the potential to be a powerful enabler for companies,” says Adrian McDonald, president, Dell Technologies in EMEA. “With the right strategies, GenAI will be key to innovation, growth and competitive advantage for organisations.”

Organisations seem poised to capitalise on the opportunity – 44% of respondents say their organisations are at the early to mid-stage in their GenAI journey and nearly half (49%) expect to see meaningful results within six months to a year.

The findings reveal more than three quarters (76%) believe its impact will be significant or transformative (significant: 54%, transformative: 22%). Top impact areas include productivity gains, streamlined processes and cost savings.

While investment in GenAI is well underway, 37% of respondents said their organisations are somewhat or very hesitant to adopt GenAI. The UK shows the most concern, with almost half (49%) of respondents reporting hesitancy, more than double that of France (22%). The key barriers driving organisational hesitancy are security, technical complexity, and data governance.

Of those who use GenAI professionally, respondents in U.K. (46%) and U.S. (45%) report using it at least once a day. Respondents from all locations also report higher personal GenAI use, suggesting that ITDMs with GenAI responsibilities are upskilling in their personal time. The UK is at the forefront of personal usage with 64% using GenAI once or more a day, followed by Germany (59%), France (58%), and the US (54%).

Visit https://www.dell.com/en-us/perspectives/new-research-the-dell-genai-pulse-survey/ for more information and to read the full report.

Sample: Survey of 500 IT decision makers with GenAI implementation responsibilities in August and September 2023 across the U.S. (200), U.K. (100), Germany (100) and France (100), private sector only.

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