If you’re a teen or young adult struggling with acne, you’ll know it’s a confidence crusher and, if treated incorrectly, can feel like a losing game. Fortunately, Clarity Clear by Lamelle Research Laboratories, is a revolutionary new multi-tasking lightweight moisturiser specially formulated for young, break-out prone skin.
Holding on for a hero? Meet our teen-friendly solution
Clarity Clear tackles the multiple contributing factors to blackheads and pimples by combining potent acne fighters and new “unsung heroes” clinically proven to be highly effective yet safe and trusted solutions. Not only does it improve the appearance of existing blemishes, but it also fades the dark marks they leave behind.
Quick and easy, one and done! Clarity Clear can be applied both morning and night and immediately gets to work reducing oiliness and shine while gently exfoliating to prevent future breakouts. Thanks to its light, lotion-like texture, it hydrates without clogging pores while its anti-microbial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients calm redness and irritation. It also contains gentle skin-brightening ingredients that help reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) – those dark marks that tend to linger long after a pimple has disappeared.
Ready for the science bit? It’s what Lamelle does best!
Most breakout-fighting products aimed at teens tend to only contain astringent ingredients that, in their quest to blitz spots, also dry out the skin. Ironically, the skin tries to compensate by revving up oil production, one of the biggest contributors to acne, and the result is a vicious cycle that causes yet another breakout.
Lamelle knows this, which is why Clarity Clear is powered by our innovative Vitamin F complex, a combination of two essential fatty acids – linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Studies have shown that acne sufferers often have lower levels of linoleic acid in their skin, leading to increased inflammation and oil production. Clarity Clear replenishes these essential lipids, improving the skin barrier in a way that prevents moisture loss and irritation.
Another cutting-edge way Clarity Clear helps keep the “oilies” at bay? It reduces 5a-reductase activity, an enzyme that plays a role in ramping up your skin’s sebum production. This way, you’ll produce less oil, but thanks to our Vitamin F complex and other hydrating ingredients, won’t dry out your skin.
Discover the Lamelle Clarity Clear difference today
If you’d like to break the acne cycle, Lamelle Research Laboratories’ Clarity Clear is a multi-tasking potent and proven all-in-one solution specially formulated for young skin. Simply apply it twice a day and look forward to enjoying clearer, healthy-looking skin, so you can take on the world with confidence.
To learn more about Clarity Clear, visit www.lamelle.co.za.